Fairview Regional Medical Center Radiology Department can meet your Radiology needs.
Procedure results are available within 24 hours of procedure.
Please Phone: (580)227-1380 to schedule an exams.
Radiographic Imaging
Providing quality orthopedic and general x-ray with digital imaging for out-patients of all ages.
CT (Computed Tomography)
Providing general diagnostic CT imaging for out-patients. Insurance authorization required.
- CT Head
- CT Spine (Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar)
- CT Chest/Abdomen/Pelvis
Providing general diagnostic Ultrasound imaging for out-patients.
- General Ultrasound
- OB Ultrasound
- Vascular Ultrasound
- Small Parts Ultrasound
Echocardiography aka Cardiac Echo’s
Simply, ultrasound of the heart. Insurance authorization required
Providing diagnostic MRI studies with a GE 1..5T closed magnet for out-patients. Insurance authorization required.
- MRI Brain
- MRI C-spine
- MRI T-spine
- MRI L-spine
- MRI Extremities Upper: Shoulders, Elbows, Wrists Lower: Hips, Knees, Ankles
- MRI Abdomen and Pelvis
Bone Densitometry or DEXA (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry)
Scanning Bone density testing is strongly recommended if you:
- are a post-menopausal woman and not taking estrogen
- have a personal or maternal history of hip fracture or smoking
- are a post-menopausal woman who is tall (over 5 feet 7 inches) or thin (less than 125 pounds).
- are a man with clinical conditions associated with bone loss
- use medications that are known to cause bone loss, including corticosteroids such as Prednisone, various anti-seizure medications such as Dilantin and certain barbituates, or high-dose thyroid replacement drugs
- have type 1 (formerly called juvenile or insulin-dependent) diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, or a family history of osteoporosis
- have high bone turnover, which shows up in the form of excessive collagen in urine samples.
- have a thyroid condition, such as hyperthyroidism
- have a parathyroid condition, such as hyperparathyroidism.
- have experienced a fracture after only mild trauma
- have had x-ray evidence of vertebral fracture or other signs of osteoporosis.