
AgriSafe Network represents health professionals and educators concerned with the health and safety of farm families.

Alzheimer’s Association – information on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia symptoms, diagnosis, stages, treatment, care and support resources.

American Cancer Society Dedicated to helping persons who face cancer. Supports research, patient services, early detection, treatment and education.

American Diabetes Association   –  is leading the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fighting for those affected by diabetes.

American Hospital Association – is a professional association that seeks to promote quality health care provision by hospitals and health care networks.

American Red CrossDisaster relief at home and abroad, CPR certification and first aid courses, blood donation, and emergency preparedness.

Blaine County DHS – Blaine Co. Oklahoma Department of Human Services

Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Oklahoma Blue Cross/Blue Shield Health Insurance for Oklahoma

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Fairview Fellowship Home & Apartments -The Fairview Fellowship Home is a retirement center for senior citizens and disabled individuals, offering spiritual, mental and physical nurture according to Christ’s servant attitude in a manner exceeding regulations.

Meals on Wheels  Contact Judy Smith @ 580-227-6033

M.A.G.B. Senior Service, Inc. 580-227-3374 or 1-800-256-1097

Major County DHS -Major Co. Oklahoma Department Of Human Services

Major County Ministerial Alliance – 580-227-4421

Make the Connection Resources for Veterans experiencing PTSD and social withdrawal.

Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit medical practice and medical research group based in Rochester, Minnesota. It is the first and largest integrated nonprofit medical group practice in the world.

Oklahoma Birth Certificates – The Oklahoma State Department of Health Division of Vital Records is responsible for registering every birth which occurs in the State of Oklahoma; as well as preserving, amending and issuing certified copies of those records in accordance with state law.

Oklahoma Blood Institute – Oklahoma Blood Institute (OBI) is the ninth largest non-profit blood center in America.

Oklahoma Hospital Association – OHA’s primary objective is to promote the welfare of the public by leading and assisting its members in the provision of better health care and services for all people.

Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) is a department of the government of Oklahoma under the supervision of the Oklahoma Secretary of Health.

Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline a free and successful service that provides one-on-one cessation counseling sessions and resources for smoking & tobacco cessation.

Organ Donation (LifeShare of Oklahoma) -LifeShare Transplant Donor Services of Oklahoma is committed to providing a better quality of life for those people who require organ or tissue transplantation, while respecting and honoring those families who share the gift of life.

Pleural Mesothelioma Center– an advocacy group who offers free services and information on the dangers of asbestos exposure and Mesothelioma Cancer.

Poison Control – The Oklahoma Poison Control Center exists to provide information concerning the prevention and management of potential toxic exposures to the people of Oklahoma.

Vaccines for Children – The Vaccines For Children (VFC) program is a federally funded program that provides vaccines at no cost to children who might not otherwise be vaccinated because of inability to pay.

Veterans Administration  VA administers a variety of benefits and services that provide financial and other forms of assistance to Service members, Veterans, their dependents and survivors.

Web Life Line ServicesCall  1-800-543-3546 ext 3050

WIC  The Women, Infant and Children Nutritional program improves the health of pregnant and breast feeding women, as well as infants and children up to age five, who are at nutritional risk. WIC helps prevent malnutrition by providing food vouchers for a special package of nutritious food, supplemented with nutrition education materials and referrals for additional health care.